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Giving to the local church is an act of worship, whether you give a cold cup of water, an entire bequest, or anything in between.


At Lansing Vineyard, we like to encourage both giving of self and money. Taking time to listen to each other, pray with each other, and meet the needs we see are powerful gifts.


In terms of giving our money, it’s a two-way gift: it helps us loosen our grip on what we might normally put all our trust in, and it blesses others in need. It’s an ancient way to experience what God has promised: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it (Malachi 3:10).”

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Tithes and offerings go several different ways

  • Staffing needs

  • Community involvement

  • Local business

  • Outreach programs

  • Missions support

Tithes and offerings help support our staffing needs and those of our physical campus. We are involved in community service, helping to support local businesses such as two dance companies, a music school, and programs that serve local inner-city kids, Youth Haven Ranch, and His Healing Hands, a Lansing-area ministry that provides medical care and spiritual support to adults and children in the greater Lansing area.


A portion of our income also goes to our umbrella organization, Vineyard USA, which in turn supports over 2400 churches in 94 countries around the globe. Finally, tithes and offerings help support people within our congregation who experience an urgent need, as well as other local ministries in the Lansing area.

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